40 Praise
Jaime Andres
Hi, friends! Welcome to 40 Praise, the podcast. I’m your host, Jaime Andres. I am a Christian, photographer, content creator, and soon-to-be a single foster dad. I created this space to share real, uncensored and authentic testimonies from people of all walks of life to inspire others to find, grow, or strengthen their personal relationship with Christ.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Listen to the last episode:
Hi, friends! Welcome to 40 Praise, the podcast. I’m your host, Jaime Andres. I am a Christian, photographer, content creator, and soon-to-be a single foster dad. I created this space to share real, uncensored and authentic testimonies from people of all walks of life to inspire others to find, grow, or strengthen their personal relationship with Christ. So what better way than to start with my very own testimony. I talk about my life before Christ and where I am not with my faith. If you enjoyed the podcast, subscribe & follow us on social media for new releases. INSTAGRAM: @40_Praise @JAphotographyTX
Previous episodes
1 - Jaime Andres | Love Fri, 06 Jan 2023