Aim Higher Catholic Podcast

Aim Higher Catholic Podcast

Father Anthony, OFM & Sister Catherine, TOR

A Catholic Podcast designed to help everyone grow in our Catholic Faith.

Categories: Education

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The Liturgical Year will soon be coming to a close but there are still a few great feasts to remember!

**Celebrating Hallowtide**

The Liturgical Year is soon coming to an end, but like the mythical phoenix, it will rise anew with the season of Advent. Before the Church reaches this climactic conclusion with the Gospel account of the end of the world and the General Judgment, it celebrates one of the most sacred parts of the fall season—Hallowtide. Hallowtide refers to the triduum of All-Hallows Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day.

Even though Pope Pius XII suppressed the vigil of All Saints in the 1950s, we can still observe this day as a time of spiritual preparation, thereby preserving the essence of Hallowtide. This celebration and commemoration embody the dogma of the Communion of Saints, an article of our faith explicitly stated in the Apostles’ Creed: “I believe… in the Communion of Saints.”

**All-Hallows Eve Program (Evening)**

1. Renew the Baptismal Vows (the promises made to God at Baptism, located in the Missal at the end of the Holy Saturday services). 2. Pray a Rosary (dedicate this Rosary to the entire Communion of Saints). 3. Sing “O Come, Holy Ghost” (praying to the Holy Ghost to grant us the grace to become saints).

**All Saints’ Day Program (Anytime during the day)**

1. Attend Mass (if possible). 2. Pray a Rosary (in honor of all the Saints and Angels). 3. Read from the “Lives of the Saints.” A family may choose their patron saint for the year and read about his or her life. If this is your first year doing this devotion, consider starting with St. Joseph, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin, since every family should have a devotion to this great saint. Afterwards, sing “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.”

**All Souls’ Day Program (Anytime during the day)**

1. Attend Mass (if possible, and perform the devotion described in the “Announcements and Reminders” section). 2. Prepare your Poor Souls list a few days in advance so the priest can place it on the altar during Mass, as is customary. 3. Pray a Rosary (for the faithfully departed). 4. Visit a cemetery (if possible; at a Catholic cemetery, you can choose anyone and pray for their soul. You may pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary, and a Glory Be. Follow those prayers with: “Eternal rest grant unto (him, her, them) O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May the souls of the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”)


One way that a family or individual can make the most of this holy time is by preparing meals that align with the nature of the feast. While the Church does not mandate fasting and abstaining on All-Hallows Eve or All Souls’ Day, choosing to do so can enhance our appreciation for the importance of preparation and prayer. Traditionally, beans or lentils are served on All Souls’ Day. Additionally, on the Feast of All Saints, consider preparing a special meal to reflect the celebratory nature of the feast.

To read Father Anthony's article, "The Last Great Feast":

If you would like to have your dearly departed remembered at Mass on All Souls' Day, you may contact Father Anthony:

Previous episodes

  • 124 - Season Four: Episode Six - The Season of Hallowtide 
    Thu, 17 Oct 2024
  • 123 - Bonus! The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost: Fear of the Lord with Bishop Giles Butler, OFM DD 
    Fri, 11 Oct 2024 - 0h
  • 122 - Season Four: Episode Five - The Solemnity of Our Holy Father Saint Francis of Assisi 
    Thu, 03 Oct 2024
  • 120 - Season Four: Episode Four - The Seven Sorrow of the Blessed Virgin Mary 
    Thu, 12 Sep 2024 - 0h
  • 119 - Bonus! The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost: Piety with Bishop Giles Butler, OFM DD 
    Fri, 06 Sep 2024 - 0h
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