JCI Davao Handuraw
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Join us for an inspiring podcast episode featuring MOHSG (Most Outstanding High School Graduates) nominees as they share their genuine and positive experiences throughout the MOHSG journey. Discover their personal plans before heading off to college and gain valuable insights on how the JCI Davao Organization can enhance the MOHSG program for the next batch of nominees next year. Tune in for an uplifting conversation filled with wisdom and aspirations!
Previous episodes
4 - JCI Davao: Handuraw | S01E03 | Chitchat with the MOHSG 56 Nominees Wed, 19 Jul 2023
3 - JCI Davao: Handuraw | S01E02 | Exclusive Interview with the MOHSG 56 Grand Winner Tue, 04 Jul 2023
2 - JCI Davao: Handuraw | S01E01 | #SmartStart with Pres. Arthur Wed, 31 May 2023
1 - JCI Davao: Handuraw | Episode 0  Sun, 28 May 2023
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